(Series: Leaders of One Dream One Korea #2) Kim Gu

(Series: Leaders of One Dream One Korea #2) Kim Gu

By Jinhoon LeeWelcome to the blog series, “Leaders of One Dream One Korea,” where the author introduces various leaders of the past and present who are at the forefront of efforts being made toward Korean unification. This second edition of the series features Kim Gu...
Hope for Korean Reunification: Alisson’s Story

Hope for Korean Reunification: Alisson’s Story

As a plane took off for South Korea, Allison Yheraldin gazed out the tiny window to see her beautiful homeland of Peru grow smaller in the distance with the clouds eventually enshrouding the city below. She was traveling halfway across the world as a foreign exchange...
The Path to Economic Independence for North Korean Women Defectors

The Path to Economic Independence for North Korean Women Defectors

A North Korean woman defector learns how to make a fish cake bar at a business in Busan. Later, she closely watches a processing production line make noodles at a factory in Hapcheon. As she gradually learns about the development of the businesses, she realizes that...
AKU’s Innovative Approaches for Realizing One Korea

AKU’s Innovative Approaches for Realizing One Korea

In Teck Seo, Co-chairman, Action for Korea United International Forum on One Korea 2017: Solutions to the Korean Peninsula Crisis Washington, D.C., November 14-15, 2017 Korean reunification should be from the bottom up. Korean reunification has dominantly been a...