International Forum on One Korea 2017:

Solutions to the Korean Peninsula Crisis


NOVEMBER 14-15 | Washington, D.C.

Join Global Peace Foundation and co-conveners EastWest Institute, Action for Korea United, and One Korea Foundation for a forum featuring a series of panels by leaders in government, policy, and civil society. 

This event will examine the significant and essential elements of a Korean-led process for the reunification of the Korean peninsula, including multi-sector participation and citizen engagement. Strategies for building global support for this process will also be considered.

Hear from global experts from the following sectors and topics:

International Policy & Civil Society: Leadership Toward Peaceful Korean Unification

Unification and the Post-Cold War Era Framework

… and more!

The International Forum on One Korea 2017: Solutions to the Korea Peninsula Crisis is a component of the ONE KOREA GLOBAL CAMPAIGN led by Global Peace Foundation and Action for Korea United.