K-Pop Star, Lee Eun-Jin, better known as her stage name, “Yangpa” will join other K-Pop stars and producers to “Stand Together for a United Korea” on August 15 at the Lincoln Memorial 3pm. The event commemorates 70 years since Korea’s independence from Japan, but also calls for a revival of the dream of a united Korea.
Lee Eun-Jin, is an alumni of Berklee College of Music in Boston Massachusetts. She made her debut in 1996 with her breakthrough album, “Novice’s Love” that rocketed her to fame. From the 1990s to the 2000s she released a total of four albums, collaborating with singer Miho in 2007 with her album, “Windows of My Soul.” She was nominated several times in the Mnet Asian Music Awards for numerous categories like Best Female Artist, Song of the Year, and Artist of the Year. She is best known for her 2007 ballad “Love…What Is it?”