K-Pop Stars and 1Dream1Korea Organizers Hold Press Conference
A special press conference was held at the National Press Center with 1Dream1Korea campaign organizers, Dr. Jai Ryu, Founder of the One Korea Foundation, Mr. Scot Faulkner, campaign committee members, and Mr. Young Jun Kim, vice-president of the Global Peace Foundation, joined by noted Korean composer Kim Hyung-Seok, and international recording stars, Yangpa and Na Yoon-Kwon. They performed their new One Korea anthem for the first time in public on August 15th at the Lincoln Memorial at 3pm.
Representatives from the 700 organizations of the One Korea Coalition (OKC) also announced their plans for building a global movement for reuniting North and South Korea.
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1Dream1Korea Opening Banquet
Decorated in the colors of the traditional Korean taeguk, the Cannon Caucus Room reflected the theme of 1Dream1Korea. People from every sector of society: faith based organizations, civil society, government agencies from both Korea and the United States attended.
The evening ended with a resounding call to action for a united and coordinated effort for Korean reunification.
August 15th marks 70 years since Korea’s independence and division. The special event at the Lincoln Memorial seeks to build public awareness and engagement on the issue of Korean unification.
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1Dream1Korea Around the World
The 1Dream1Korea campaign kicked of in Washington D.C at the Lincoln Memorial on August 15th. The initiative, which seeks peaceful means of Reunification in Korea, was also celebrated in many parts of the world, including Japan, which also celebrated its Multicultural One Family Festival.
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