(Pictured above: Dr. Jai Ryu, Co-Chair of the One Korea Coalition at special banquet for One Dream One Korea Campaign at Cannon Caucus Room on Capitol Hill Washington DC)
The 70th year anniversary of Independence from Japanese colonization for Korea is also its 70 year-long division of the Korean people. This prolonged separation of the Korean peninsula has brought on numerous opinions and commentary on the once-elusive dream for Korean reunification — now an issue that has become more plausible by both the decline of the North Korean regime and the increased interest by Korean citizens.
Many policy makers and analysts see the enormous benefits that can be gained by not only the peninsula itself, but the entire world with the “Unification First” policy, first coined by South Korean president, Park Geun-hye in her Dresden initiative. Korean Unification would bring the obvious economic benefits because of its central geographic location, but would also end the human rights abuses that has been plaguing the North Korean people for years.
Dr. Ryu, the president of the One Korea Foundation commented, “President Obama has illustrated many times how his administration favors the Dresden Initiative. China is looking favorably on unification, and Japan is in full support of a strong, independent, vibrant free Korea. So it is time. We need someone to step forward. We need public support. The politicians want noise from the people. But that will never come. It will take a leader. We need leadership.”
However difficult the process for reunification may be, it is widely-acknowledged belief that this dream is indeed an inevitable event.
This article was originally written by Michael Lammbrau and published by Korea Joongang Daily. Read the original HERE: http://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/article/article.aspx?aid=3006492