Action for Korea United and partners have created many avenues to educate and engage youth in the issue of Korean reunification. Just five years ago interest in reunification in the 10-30 generation was very low. Action for Korea United has provided multiple outlets through which youth can gain interest through the One K Campaign that utilizes popular culture and music to get the message of Korean reunification out, as well as speech contests and education programs for university, high school, middle and elementary school students.

  • Korean Dream Unification Talk Concert

The Korean Dream Unification Talk Concert sponsored by the Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs first started at Yonsei University on April 29th, 2015 to November 12th and was held in 10 different college campus It received big response from the young people by combining the lecture on unification plus a cultural code through music. The unification talk concert had 1,500 college students in participants. Through the concert important social issues can be conveyed through culture and the unification vision can be expanded by communicating with the young people.

  • Elementary, Middle, High School Students Unification Essay Contest

In order to raise the young people as the unification generation to prepare and have interest towards unification, the National Elementary, Middle, High School Students Unification Essay Contest has been held since 2013. The number of participates are increasing everyday with 499 in 2013, 736 in 2014, and 875 in 2015. This year the participants had opportunity the opportunity to write their imagination on unification with the topic “We are the Unification Generation”. The event was held from May 1st to June 30th, 2015 with several sponsored organizations such as Ministry of Unification, National Unification Advisory Council, Unification Education Institute, Action for Korea United etc.

  • Raising the Unification Generation: College Students Unification Supporters

From 2011, Unification Project Contest and Unification Supports Project has been conducted. This year the project was selected as Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs’ Civil Organization Support Project and receives 100 Million Korean Won a year for the next three years. The project was held from May 1st to December 30th, 2015 with 40 selected Unification Supports throughout the nation and went to elementary, middle, and high schools with the “Mobile Unification.” 740 elementary school students, 600 middle school students, and 1,225 high school students from 28 schools received the education. Also with Soongshil University, self-studying unification study content was developed and given to 200 schools nationwide with three different versions for lower grade elementary school, upper grade elementary school, and middle school students.


Forums and Think-Tank Seminars (needs work)

Engaging scholars, think-tanks, universities, research institutions, youth and policy drivers, ongoing forums and seminars in key nations including South Korea, Mongolia, Japan, and the United States continue the dialogue surrounding Korean reunification open, making critical connections with research and policy concerning Korean reunification.